MentPhys Wellness PLLC
Learning to strengthen your mental and physical connection to optimize your performance
Win by being the best version of yourself
Fear has a way of taking over your life. Fear of failure, fear of judgement, fear of letting yourself or others down. By the time you've gotten to this website, you probably have experienced fear of failure at work, school, or your sport. Most people with performance anxiety can naturally succeed in their career, major, or sport and it's hard for them to understand why they can't get their emotions under control at crucial moments in their lives. Your friends and family, if they know or witness how you feel, may not know how to support you.
I'm Andrea, owner of MentPhys Wellness PLLC, and my team and I are here to help. I want you to be able to feel confident in your abilities when you step out onto the court. I want you to have time and energy to focus on the love and passion you have for your sport or career rather than experiencing burn out. I want you to be able to balance your perfectionism so it works for you, rather than against you. We can work together to learn to manage your anxiety, perfectionism, obsessions, judgement, and fear so that you can win back your life, and put forth the best version of yourself.
Want to make an appointment with one of our therapists?